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Postby elneilios » May 12th, 2022, 5:21 pm

:!: Exciting announcement :!:

I have been able to restore some of the Smileys for use on the message board! There seems to have been some additional legacy smileys that I haven't identified and restored yet but for now, there's a core set for people to use.

:geek: 8-) :D
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Re: Smileys!

Postby elneilios » May 13th, 2022, 10:46 am

I still couldn't find the exact smiley pack that we had previously but have found a nice pack with a LOT of smileys for all occasions which I've now installed. Hopefully that will scratch everybody's smileys itch!

:banana-dance: :character-beavisbutthead: :happy-jumpeveryone:
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